Our PTSO is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions. 




Meet our 2024-25 MRHS PTSO Executive Board


President- Allison Homan- allisonhoman@yahoo.com (704) 577-6077

Vice President- TBD

Secretary- Susie Runkle mrhsecretary2022@gmail.com 

Treasurer- April Helewig mrhstreasurer@gmail.com 




2024-2025 Committee Contact List 


College Fair-TBD


Student Recognition- TBD


Guidance- TBD


Media Support- Kim King - kim.king004@gmail.com (617) 803-8917 

                           Rachel VanDerMeid - rachel.vandermeid@gmail.com (860) 573-5502


Senior Events- TBD


Staff Appreciation- TBD


Buildings and Grounds- TBD


Spirit Wear- TBD


MVP- (Maverick Volunteer Parents)


9th grade- TBD


10th grade - TBD


11th grade - TBD